Designer Registration
Become the next featured designer. We have a platform built for the best designer and model experience. We are affordable and provide you a stress free production. Next show is September 14th, 2025.
Model Registration
To participate on September 14, 2025. Please register. This does not guarantee an admission to the show. After registration we will keep you up to date with future casting calls and opportunities.
Press/Media Registration
Have an opportunity to shoot a full runway show and meet industry professionals. To participate you must have some credentials. We will call you and verify your credentials. If you are an amateur and want to tap into the industry we have a welcoming platform for you also, please specify and let us know.
Children Model Registration
This is where it all starts. We will have opportunities for minors to start their modeling career with Infinite Exposure Shows. We have designers who can't wait to dress and put your child on the runway. We provide the best experience for our upcoming talent.